70cm FPV transmitter

This is a scratch pad for a small 70cm FPV transmitter. DTV is a bust. No one makes a single chip MPEG or NTSC to DVB or ATSC signal chip. Analog is easier, and the chips are kind of available. Modulator: Can use the MC44BS373 or similar (NTSC RF Modulator)…

Abusing lithium batteries - For Science!

I'm getting back into quadcopters. One thing that has caught my attention is making super small, long range drones that I can power with a single 18650. I have a largish number of nearly new recycled cells, NCR18650BLs that the datasheet only specs for 7A discharge continuous, but…

Canon EOS 10S - bc error with locked mirror

While the Canon Elan 7 cameras I fixed in my last post are fantastic, they utilize IR light to count sprockets. This is a problem for IR sensitive films that are actually IR, like Kodak HIE, or Ektachrome Infrared (Aerochrome). This would cause the film to fog. Additionally per https:…

Experimenting with Digital Aerochrome

Lately I've been getting back into photography. One avenue I've been exploring is emulating the look of the now defunct Kodak Aerochrome film. It was a film used in surveillance, especially looking at foliage from high altitude spy planes. It renders NIR light as bright red.…

Fixing a couple of Canon Elan 7s

I recently purchased two broken Canon Elan7s: A Elan 7NE with a broken lens release pin, and an Elan 7E that wouldn't turn on. I got them for about 20$ each, figuring I could fix one or both or use one for parts. Little did I know I&…

Website/Blog Setup

At the risk of giving away details which will hurt me, here's the stackup I'm running: Traefik as a reverse-proxy, Ghost running in a docker instance Here's my file tree: Home: Docker: ghost-blog: docker-compose.yml data: config.production.json content: traefik: data: acme.json…

New site, new chance at keeping current

Hello! Welcome! I'll try to do long-form documentation here, as well as photography, project progress, etc. Now that it's self-hosted, I'm not at the whim of a VPS provider who will remove a whole line of servers leaving me high and dry... I just…